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HomeNew Member Signup Info

New Member Signup Information

Thank you for your interest in joining Venice Florida Corvettes Club. Our dues for a new membership signup are currently $75 for the remainder of the current calendar year. Each membership includes a primary member and a spouse/partner member. The spouse/partner member does not pay any additional membership dues.

All new or existing memberships must be renewed at the end of each calendar year to maintain ongoing membership. The renewal period begins November 1st each year and ends December 31st. The annual renewal dues are currently $50 for the next calendar year. Memberships that are not renewed by the December 31st deadline will end and if renewed after December 31st the renewal dues will be the same level as a new membership.

If you signup as a new member between November 1st and December 31st your new membership dues will cover the remainder of the current calendar year and all of the next calendar year. For example: Signup for a new membership on November 2, 2024 and your membership dues will be $75 and cover the period from November 2, 2024 through December 31, 2025.

To start the New Member Signup process click on the button below. Clicking on the button will initiate a multiple screen sequence of collecting relevant information about yourself and a bit of information about your Corvette. There are step-by-step instructions on the screens and at the end you will be emailed a confirmation with your personal login username for the club website plus a temporary password. During your initial login you must change your temporary password to a new password of your choice. When you complete your login to the website you will see additional menu options and a lot more information will become available. TIP: When you login, check the remember me box on the login screen to avoid having to enter your password in the future. Also, if you ever lose your password you can request a reset on the login screen.

The initial signup process will create the Primary Member user account on our club website. To add your spouse/partner to your membership you must first login to the website changing your temporary password then access your profile and add your additional member to your membership. They will be sent an email with their personal login information.

As a part of your new membership you and your spouse/partner are entitled to a free club t-shirt and name badge. When you signup for the club membership you, as the primary member, will be asked your t-shirt size and what name and place you are from that you would like on your name badge. To obtain the t-shirt and name badge for your spouse partner is it required that you add them to your membership as an additional member. Then they must login in and update their Additional Information in their profile to include their t-shirt size and name tag information. There are tutorials available on the website with step-by-step instructions with images of the screens to help you complete these steps. You can also just contact our club quartermaster to tell them the information about your spouse/partner.

We would also like you to update your profile with a photo, we can help you with that if you need assistance. Likewise, we ask that you access the Corvette Directory from your profile to tell us about your Corvette(s). If you need assistance with this just let us know, assistance if available. We are a large club so having photos of the members and their cars helps a great deal, especially when trying to find the contact info for a fellow member.

Please note all payments are made by credit card. Venice Florida Corvettes does not retain your credit card information, it is transmitted to our credit card processor. The charge to your credit card will appear as: VENICEFLCORVETTECLUB

After you have signed in as a member, please be sure to checkout the event calendar. There are a lot of social events as well as car related events such as car shows. Feel free to signup for events, it is a great way to meet fellow members. Also, take some time to explore our collection of photo albums from past events. You can also browse the membership directory as well as the Corvette directory to learn more about fellow members.